Source code for aiomonitor.monitor

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import contextvars
import functools
import logging
import sys
import textwrap
import threading
import time
import traceback
import weakref
from asyncio.coroutines import _format_coroutine  # type: ignore
from datetime import timedelta
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

import janus
from aiohttp import web
from prompt_toolkit.contrib.telnet.server import TelnetServer

from .exceptions import MissingTask
from .task import TracedTask, persistent_coro
from .termui.commands import interact
from .types import (
from .utils import (
from import init_webui

__all__ = (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MONITOR_HOST: Final = ""
CONSOLE_PORT: Final = 20103

T = TypeVar("T")
T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)

def task_by_id(
    taskid: int, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
) -> "Optional[asyncio.Task[Any]]":
    tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=loop)
    return next(filter(lambda t: id(t) == taskid, tasks), None)

async def cancel_task(task: "asyncio.Task[Any]") -> None:
    with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        await task

[docs] class Monitor: prompt: str """ The string that prompts you to enter a command, defaults to ``"monitor >>> "`` """ _event_loop_thread_id: Optional[int] = None console_locals: Dict[str, Any] _termui_tasks: weakref.WeakSet[asyncio.Task[Any]] _created_traceback_chains: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[ asyncio.Task[Any], weakref.ReferenceType[asyncio.Task[Any]], ] _created_tracebacks: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[ asyncio.Task[Any], List[traceback.FrameSummary] ] _terminated_tasks: Dict[str, TerminatedTaskInfo] _terminated_history: List[str] _termination_info_queue: janus.Queue[TerminatedTaskInfo] _canceller_chain: Dict[str, str] _canceller_stacks: Dict[str, List[traceback.FrameSummary] | None] _cancellation_chain_queue: janus.Queue[CancellationChain] def __init__( self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, *, host: str = MONITOR_HOST, termui_port: int = MONITOR_TERMUI_PORT, webui_port: int = MONITOR_WEBUI_PORT, console_port: int = CONSOLE_PORT, console_enabled: bool = True, hook_task_factory: bool = False, max_termination_history: int = 1000, locals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: self._monitored_loop = loop or asyncio.get_running_loop() self._host = host self._termui_port = termui_port self._webui_port = webui_port self._console_port = console_port self._console_enabled = console_enabled if locals is None: self.console_locals = {"__name__": "__console__", "__doc__": None} else: self.console_locals = locals self.prompt = "monitor >>> " "Starting aiomonitor at telnet://%(host)s:%(tport)d and http://%(host)s:%(wport)d", { "host": host, "tport": termui_port, "wport": webui_port, }, ) self._closed = False self._started = False self._termui_tasks = weakref.WeakSet() self._hook_task_factory = hook_task_factory self._created_traceback_chains = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._created_tracebacks = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._terminated_tasks = {} self._canceller_chain = {} self._canceller_stacks = {} self._terminated_history = [] self._max_termination_history = max_termination_history self._ui_started = threading.Event() self._ui_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._ui_main, args=(), daemon=True) @property def host(self) -> str: """ The current hostname to bind the monitor server. """ return self._host @property def port(self) -> int: """ The port number to bind the monitor server. """ return self._termui_port def __repr__(self) -> str: name = self.__class__.__name__ return "<{name}: {host}:{port}>".format( name=name, host=self._host, port=self._termui_port )
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Starts monitoring thread, where telnet server is executed. """ assert not self._closed assert not self._started self._started = True self._original_task_factory = self._monitored_loop.get_task_factory() if self._hook_task_factory: self._monitored_loop.set_task_factory(self._create_task) self._event_loop_thread_id = threading.get_ident() self._ui_thread.start() self._ui_started.wait()
@property def closed(self) -> bool: """ A flag indicates if monitor was closed, currntly instance of :class:`Monitor` can not be reused. For new monitor, new instance should be created. """ return self._closed def __enter__(self) -> Monitor: if not self._started: self.start() return self # exc_type should be Optional[Type[BaseException]], but # this runs into # on Python 3.5. def __exit__( self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Joins background thread, and cleans up resources. """ assert self._started, "The monitor must have been started to close it." if not self._closed: self._ui_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self._ui_forever_future.cancel, ) self._monitored_loop.set_task_factory(self._original_task_factory) self._ui_thread.join() self._closed = True
def format_running_task_list( self, filter_: str, persistent: bool ) -> Sequence[FormattedLiveTaskInfo]: all_running_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=self._monitored_loop) tasks = [] for task in sorted(all_running_tasks, key=id): taskid = str(id(task)) if isinstance(task, TracedTask): coro_repr = _format_coroutine(task._orig_coro).partition(" ")[0] if persistent and task._orig_coro not in persistent_coro: continue else: coro_repr = _format_coroutine(task.get_coro()).partition(" ")[0] if persistent: # untracked tasks should be skipped when showing persistent ones only continue if filter_ and ( filter_ not in coro_repr and filter_ not in task.get_name() ): continue creation_stack = self._created_tracebacks.get(task) # Some values are masked as "-" when they are unavailable # if it's the root task/coro or if the task factory is not applied. if not creation_stack: created_location = "-" else: creation_stack = _filter_stack(creation_stack) fn = _format_filename(creation_stack[-1].filename) lineno = creation_stack[-1].lineno created_location = f"{fn}:{lineno}" if isinstance(task, TracedTask): running_since = _format_timedelta( timedelta( seconds=(time.perf_counter() - task._started_at), ) ) else: running_since = "-" tasks.append( FormattedLiveTaskInfo( taskid, task._state, task.get_name(), coro_repr, created_location, running_since, ) ) return tasks def format_terminated_task_list( self, filter_: str, persistent: bool ) -> Sequence[FormattedTerminatedTaskInfo]: terminated_tasks = self._terminated_tasks.values() tasks = [] for item in sorted( terminated_tasks, key=lambda info: info.terminated_at, reverse=True, ): if persistent and not item.persistent: continue if filter_ and (filter_ not in item.coro and filter_ not in continue started_since = _format_timedelta( timedelta(seconds=time.perf_counter() - item.started_at) ) terminated_since = _format_timedelta( timedelta(seconds=time.perf_counter() - item.terminated_at) ) tasks.append( FormattedTerminatedTaskInfo( str(,, item.coro, started_since, terminated_since, ) ) return tasks async def cancel_monitored_task(self, task_id: str | int) -> str: task_id_ = int(task_id) task = task_by_id(task_id_, self._monitored_loop) if task is not None: if self._monitored_loop == asyncio.get_running_loop(): await cancel_task(task) else: fut = asyncio.wrap_future( asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( cancel_task(task), loop=self._monitored_loop ) ) await fut if isinstance(task, TracedTask): coro_repr = _format_coroutine(task._orig_coro).partition(" ")[0] else: coro_repr = _format_coroutine(task.get_coro()).partition(" ")[0] return coro_repr else: raise ValueError("Invalid or non-existent task ID", task_id) def format_running_task_stack( self, task_id: str | int, ) -> Sequence[FormattedStackItem]: depth = 0 task_id_ = int(task_id) task = task_by_id(task_id_, self._monitored_loop) if task is None: raise MissingTask(task_id_) task_chain: List[asyncio.Task[Any]] = [] while task is not None: task_chain.append(task) task_ref = self._created_traceback_chains.get(task) task = task_ref() if task_ref is not None else None prev_task = None formatted_stack_list = [] for task in reversed(task_chain): if depth == 0: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.HEADER, ( "Stack of the root task or coroutine scheduled " "in the event loop (most recent call last)" ), ) ) elif depth > 0: assert prev_task is not None formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.HEADER, ( "Stack of %s when creating the next task " "(most recent call last)" % _format_task(prev_task) ), ) ) stack = self._created_tracebacks.get(task) if stack is None: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, ( "No stack available (maybe it is a native code, " "a synchronous callback function, " "or the event loop itself)" ), ) ) else: stack = _filter_stack(stack) formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, textwrap.dedent("".join(traceback.format_list(stack))), ) ) prev_task = task depth += 1 task = task_chain[0] formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.HEADER, "Stack of %s (most recent call last)" % _format_task(task), ) ) stack = _extract_stack_from_task(task) if not stack: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, "No stack available for %s" % _format_task(task), ) ) else: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, textwrap.dedent("".join(traceback.format_list(stack))), ) ) return formatted_stack_list def format_terminated_task_stack( self, trace_id: str, ) -> Sequence[FormattedStackItem]: depth = 0 tinfo_chain: List[TerminatedTaskInfo] = [] while trace_id is not None: tinfo_chain.append(self._terminated_tasks[trace_id]) trace_id = self._canceller_chain.get(trace_id) # type: ignore prev_tinfo = None formatted_stack_list = [] for tinfo in reversed(tinfo_chain): if depth == 0: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.HEADER, ( "Stack of the root task or coroutine " "scheduled in the event loop" "(most recent call last)" ), ) ) elif depth > 0: assert prev_tinfo is not None formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.HEADER, ( "Stack of %s when creating the next task " "(most recent call last)" % _format_terminated_task(prev_tinfo) ), ) ) stack = tinfo.canceller_stack if stack is None: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, ( "No stack available " "(maybe it is a self-raised cancellation or exception)" ), ) ) else: stack = _filter_stack(stack) formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, textwrap.dedent("".join(traceback.format_list(stack))), ) ) prev_tinfo = tinfo depth += 1 tinfo = tinfo_chain[0] formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.HEADER, "Stack of %s (most recent call last)" % _format_terminated_task(tinfo), ) ) stack = tinfo.termination_stack if not stack: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, ( "No stack available for %s (the task has run to completion)" % _format_terminated_task(tinfo) ), ) ) else: formatted_stack_list.append( FormattedStackItem( FormatItemTypes.CONTENT, textwrap.dedent("".join(traceback.format_list(stack))), ) ) return formatted_stack_list async def _coro_wrapper(self, coro: Awaitable[T_co]) -> T_co: myself = asyncio.current_task() assert isinstance(myself, TracedTask) try: return await coro except BaseException as e: myself._termination_stack = _extract_stack_from_exception(e)[:-1] raise def _create_task( self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, T_co] | Generator[Any, None, T_co], *, name: str | None = None, context: contextvars.Context | None = None, ) -> asyncio.Future[T_co]: assert loop is self._monitored_loop try: parent_task = asyncio.current_task() except RuntimeError: parent_task = None persistent = coro in persistent_coro task = TracedTask( self._coro_wrapper(coro), # type: ignore termination_info_queue=self._termination_info_queue.sync_q, cancellation_chain_queue=self._cancellation_chain_queue.sync_q, persistent=persistent, loop=self._monitored_loop, name=name, # since Python 3.8 context=context, # since Python 3.11 ) task._orig_coro = cast(Coroutine[Any, Any, T_co], coro) self._created_tracebacks[task] = _extract_stack_from_frame(sys._getframe())[ :-1 ] # strip this wrapper method if parent_task is not None: self._created_traceback_chains[task] = weakref.ref(parent_task) return task def _ui_main(self) -> None: async def _ui_main_async(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self._termination_info_queue = janus.Queue() self._cancellation_chain_queue = janus.Queue() self._ui_loop = loop self._ui_forever_future = loop.create_future() self._ui_termination_handler_task = loop.create_task( self._ui_handle_termination_updates() ) self._ui_cancellation_handler_task = loop.create_task( self._ui_handle_cancellation_updates() ) telnet_server = TelnetServer( interact=functools.partial(interact, self), host=self._host, port=self._termui_port, ) webui_app = await init_webui(self) webui_runner = web.AppRunner(webui_app) await webui_runner.setup() webui_site = web.TCPSite( webui_runner, str(self._host), self._webui_port, reuse_port=True, ) await webui_site.start() telnet_server.start() await asyncio.sleep(0) self._ui_started.set() try: await self._ui_forever_future except asyncio.CancelledError: pass finally: termui_tasks = {*self._termui_tasks} for termui_task in termui_tasks: termui_task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*termui_tasks, return_exceptions=True) self._ui_termination_handler_task.cancel() self._ui_cancellation_handler_task.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): await self._ui_termination_handler_task with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): await self._ui_cancellation_handler_task await telnet_server.stop() await webui_runner.cleanup() async def _ui_handle_termination_updates(self) -> None: while True: try: update: TerminatedTaskInfo = ( await self._termination_info_queue.async_q.get() ) except asyncio.CancelledError: return self._terminated_tasks[] = update if not update.persistent: self._terminated_history.append( # canceller stack is already put in _ui_handle_cancellation_updates() if canceller_stack := self._canceller_stacks.pop(, None): update.canceller_stack = canceller_stack while len(self._terminated_history) > self._max_termination_history: removed_id = self._terminated_history.pop(0) self._terminated_tasks.pop(removed_id, None) self._canceller_chain.pop(removed_id, None) self._canceller_stacks.pop(removed_id, None) async def _ui_handle_cancellation_updates(self) -> None: while True: try: update: CancellationChain = ( await self._cancellation_chain_queue.async_q.get() ) except asyncio.CancelledError: return self._canceller_stacks[update.target_id] = update.canceller_stack self._canceller_chain[update.target_id] = update.canceller_id
[docs] def start_monitor( loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, *, monitor_cls: Type[Monitor] = Monitor, host: str = MONITOR_HOST, port: int = MONITOR_TERMUI_PORT, # kept the name for backward compatibility console_port: int = CONSOLE_PORT, webui_port: int = MONITOR_WEBUI_PORT, console_enabled: bool = True, hook_task_factory: bool = False, max_termination_history: Optional[int] = None, locals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Monitor: """ Factory function, creates instance of :class:`Monitor` and starts monitoring thread. :param Type[Monitor] monitor: Monitor class to use :param str host: hostname to serve monitor telnet server :param int port: monitor port (terminal UI), by default 20101 :param int webui_port: monitor port (web UI), by default 20102 :param int console_port: python REPL port, by default 20103 :param bool console_enabled: flag indicates if python REPL is requred to start with instance of monitor. :param dict locals: dictionary with variables exposed in python console environment """ m = monitor_cls( loop, host=host, termui_port=port, webui_port=webui_port, console_port=console_port, console_enabled=console_enabled, hook_task_factory=hook_task_factory, max_termination_history=( max_termination_history if max_termination_history is not None else get_default_args(monitor_cls.__init__)["max_termination_history"] ), locals=locals, ) m.start() return m